Wordpress Sitemap Plugin Update (2.0.2)

We’ve finally got around to updating our WordPress plugin addressing a number of bugs which have prevented some people from upgrading without workarounds.

Again, we’re sorry it has taken so long, this is due to juggling various priorities and personal issues.

In early 2021 we made one of the biggest updates to our plugin re-architecting much of it and adding new features and flexibility including :

  • Support for sitemap index files
  • Support for image sitemaps
  • Support for news sitemaps
  • Support for larger sitemaps

A patch release (2.0.1) addressed some bugs but others since came to light requiring manual patching or rolling back to a previous version which has been an issue.

We are hopeful that this 2.0.2 patch release has addressed the outstanding issues to enable more people to upgrade. Key issues addressed include:

  • PHP debug / log errors xmlRenderer.php when images disabled.
  • Post settings not updating.
  • News sitemap missing language tag.
  • News not working due to bad database upgrade script.
  • Outstanding activation issues on network installs.

You can download the latest version 

If you have any further issues please contact us via our website or join our telegram group. We did have a reddit group but that has once again been banned. Apparently sitemaps are just to controversial for Reddit.

Don’t forget to follow us on social media to stay up to date.