Sitemap file limit increased and support for frames added.

New : File limit increased from 100 to 250 (as a trial).

Quite a number of users were hitting the 100 file limit and our performance data suggetsed we had capacity to increase this so we have and will keep an eye on the situation to ensure it stays efficient.

New : Index iFrames and Frameset option.

We have added support for following urls embedded in iFrames and Framesets. This feature is enabled by default, so if you want to disable it click “more settings”.

We had quite a few people frustrated they had to keep selecting features and it seemed fairly obvious we should spider most urls by default so we made it so!  You can now switch stuff off using “more settings”.

Fix : Some problems with checking querystring and file extensions.

Some patterns of dots and ampersands were causing some issues so we fixed this.